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Bringing inside talent out
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An innovative social enterprise

Insider Access is a not for profit social enterprise focusing on the engagement of non traditional learners from disadvantaged backgrounds into informal, non formal and accredited learning, in order to break the barriers which hold them back and to help them to achieve their fullest potential in their life and society.

Insider Access works closely with the Ministry for Justice, NOMS, Probation Trusts, Jobcentre Plus/DWP, is an accredited NCFE Centre and approved by the Skills Funding Agency.

Income generated by Insider Access (a not for profit social enterprise) supports:

*   Innovative training in the community for unemployed, ex-offenders, hard to reach groups
*   Innovative training in prisons
*   Through the gate support
*   Informal offender mentoring
*   Work placement opportunities
*   Reduce re-offending in society
*   Make our communities safer
*   Help all individuals to achieve their highest goals

Insider Access is a unique social enterprise created as a sustainable outcome from a European Social Fund ITM project.

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